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Hi again, today, we’ll be discussing Survey plans.

A land survey plan is a specialized map of a parcel of land, created after thorough examination and measurement of a property. It determines and outlines the property boundaries, building locations, physical attributes, and other items of importance. It is more than just a diagram of the property, a land survey plan is an important legal document that displays the exact legal borders of the property and applicable aspects of the registered title. A survey plan is created in case of land dispute, to show graphically the morphology of an area in dispute, its extent and size. Where a plaintiff desires to draw up a survey plan showing the land in dispute, such a plan must show clearly the dimensions of the land, the boundaries and other salient features.

The survey plan comes in handy when the identity of a land is in dispute. The party who pleads a survey plan ought to tender the plan at the trial. Where surveys are Inaccurate, it has its implications, and may turn an otherwise good case bad. It is therefore essential that a surveyor prepares the plans which will not only capture the details of the land but also features which will help the court to form a good picture of the land

(picture of a land survey plan)

Also, a well prepared survey plan handled by a professional surveyor, is insurance against land fraud.

Do have a nice day, see you next time as we’ll be talking about CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY.



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